What does it mean to be creative?

A lot of people think creativity is about having a good imagination, but it’s not. Creativity comes from how you use your brain and the different modes in which you can work.

The most common mode is deliberate or conscious thinking, the “doing mode." This mode involves using logic to solve problems and make decisions about difficult issues like what color shirt to wear. It's linear, logical, verbal (because we're talking out loud) and analytical (we need to break down the problem into parts).

The next most common mode is called spontaneous or unconscious thinking—or "being" mode. When we are in this state of mind, our brains are open for input--whether it be new ideas or new connections between existing ideas. Our minds are also open for unusual output but it is usually in the form of drawing or doodling, not talking out loud. This mode is intuitive, nonverbal and visual.

Creativity doesn't always involve a grand epiphany or a stroke of genius. It's not just for people who create things. We all have the ability to be creative and using different modes of thinking helps us see things in a new way and solve problems more effectively.

The next time you’re stuck with a problem, instead of trying to think your way out of it, try daydreaming your way out of it.